How can this be?

Luke 1:26-38

I sat down to write,
over the past couple of weeks.
In short, disconnected snippets.
I try not to talk about busyness,
because it’s basic, and boring,
and it’s a cultural disease.
But I was stretched the last last few days and weeks,
so my writing process wasn’t as cohesive as I like.
And I sat down on Monday,
and realized I had outlined,
drawing from this most famous of advent texts –
the annunciation to Mary –
point by point,
paragraph by paragraph,
exactly the same sermon,
I offered at Easter here,
some 7 months ago:

Again the angel comes,
saying “Don’t be afraid.”
Because that’s what angels always say.
again we have a model of discipleship,
in a female protagonist named Mary,
because – let’s be honest –
the women were the best disciples,

Continue reading “How can this be?”

What is Church?

Matthew 18:15-20

The story goes.
That a year ago, or so.
On a Sunday not unlike this one,
late in the semester,
A congregation – A church –
gathered at this very time and in this very space,
that was made up entirely,
of the Jansson family,
a small choir,
our student managers,
and a guest preacher.

The details are not all that important,
but suffice it to say that this congregation,
this church,
had hit a rough patch,
and not for the first time.
Pushing the boundaries of Jesus’ assurance,
regarding 2 or 3 being gathered.

I came to interview around that time,
and it wasn’t clear to me then,
that this church was a sustainable enterprise.

Most universities in on the East Coast and Midwest,
were founded by churches,
and most of them held Sunday services,
through most of their history,
but most have similarly abandoned the practice.

I’m glad we did not,

Continue reading “What is Church?”