For what should I ask?

Sunday 8/22/2021
Rooke Chapel Worship
2 Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14

If you know one thing about King Solomon,
you probably know, that he was wise.
Tradition holds him as the author of great wisdom literature,
and a just and wise ruler.

If you know two or three things about him,
you probably know him as the builder of the Temple,
the ruler over a vast, united Kingdom,
and a man of great wealth.
You may even know,
some of his more troubling details,
like the 700 wives he was said to have.

Solomon is both a picture of success,
and complicated human,
and a critique, in the end, of power and monarchy.

What you probably did not know about him,
prior to reading this morning’s text – though.
is that he suffered from imposter syndrome,
as he ascended to the throne.

He becomes King,
and makes the requisite sacrifices to God,
and goes to sleep,
and God comes to him in a dream and says,
“ask me for anything”
and Solomon says,
Um…thanks for making me King.
Appreciate it.
Would like to note –
“I am only a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in.”
My study bible suggests that the phrase,
“I am only a little child” in its original form,
would suggest that Solomon was “about 20 years old” at this moment. (New Oxford Annotated Bible)

Perhaps you have found yourself wandering this campus this week,
about 20 years old,
looking for a particular room, in one of our Labyrinthine buildings,
and thought to yourself: “I do not know how to go out or come in”
I’ve been there.
I still never know which side of the ELC, I’m going to come out of,
when I leave the building

Perhaps you find yourself wondering,
in this period of transition,
this period of orientation,
if you belong here.
if you’re good enough,
if you’re smart enough,
if you have gifts to offer.

Perhaps as we emerge from a year of hybrid learning,
and social distancing,
we wonder if we remember how to do anything.
If you’re a freckled girl,
headed to a new school building,

you’re not sure you’ll like.
Or if you practiced your bored face,
over the summer,
in hopes of impressing your friends.
Or if wonder if you have anything at all to offer your students.
If so, know – at the very least –
that you stand in the company, of one of the richest, and wisest, and most powerful men, in all of scripture, and history, and literature.
“I am only a little child, and I do not know how to go out or to come in.”

One of the great secrets of the world,
is that we all feel like imposters from time to time.
From those who never imagined attending a place like this,
to those returning to teaching after a tough year.
those who are privileged and advantaged.
to those who are here because of generosity and scholarships.
to great and powerful kings, on the cusp of their rule.
We all wonder, from time to time, if we belong.

And we pretend most of the time to be fine.
At its best, this wonder if we have anything at all to offer,
fills us with humility and empathy for our fellow travelers.
Which are – we’ll discuss shortly – intimately bound up with wisdom.
At its best, it grounds us and does work for us.

But at its worst, it remains hidden,
and teaches us to keep our thoughts to ourselves.
it keeps our light hidden under a bushel. and closes us off.

we’ll gather this semester with a theme, which is “big questions.”
And most of our big questions, we will draw directly from scripture.
“Who is my neighbor?”
“How often must I forgive?”
Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?”
Am I my brother’s keeper?
How long. oh Lord, must we wait?
Some of the questions will have clear and important answers,
(everyone, often, no, yes, and not forever – if you’re keeping track.)

but you may have noticed, that Jesus asked a lot of questions.
And he answered lots of questions, with questions.
So if Jesus is the embodiment of the divine.
The Word made flesh.
This seems to me an important signal.

One of the great contemporary Rabbis, Abraham Joshua Heschel said,
“We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers.”
And that resonates with me.
Because I think,
and have experienced,
God is bigger than words,
and bigger than simple answers,
and is found -as often as not – in the asking, and the wondering

This week, our scripture has an implicit question,
as God comes to Solomon in a dream, and says,
ask me for anything.
and the question comes back “for what should we ask?”

God is not a wish granting genie,
you may have noticed.
Otherwise, I imagine this pandemic would have been over long ago.

Rather, I think, our ultimate picture of God,
is one who loves us, cherishes us, just as we are.
But does not wish to leave us just as we are.
But rather calls us,
to deeper faith,
deeper justice,
deeper wisdom.

you, my dear friends, like Solomon, have manifold gifts.
you are indeed good enough,
and smart enough.
and you are here for a reason.
I am confident in that,
even if you are not,
and even if we have not yet met.

And I might suggest humbly,
that that reason, goes beyond earning potential.
or family expectation.
or self-advancement.

You are here for a purpose.
or perhaps many purposes.
And you are here, to explore and discover those purposes, in community.
It is an amazing gift.

But it is not enough to be smart.
It is not enough to be ambitious.
You are here to become more wise.
You have come here to develop a wise and discerning mind.
Because the world needs wise people.

There are plenty of smart people,
who have led us to disaster.
plenty of ambitious people,
who have gained only for themselves.

How many smart and ambitious billionaires,
are trying to shoot themselves into space right now?
I’ve lost count.
Even as people hunger?
Even as inequity abounds?
Even as our planet is on fire?

The world needs wise people.
wisdom, we often associate with age, right?
The white bearded Gandalf and Dumbledore types.
But we see here, a different picture of wisdom,
which is mixed intimately and ultimately,
with humility.
Wisdom and age are correlated, perhaps,
but most assuredly not causal.

wisdom demands humility.
wisdom needs humility.
wisdom cannot exist,
if we think we know everything.
if we are unable to take counsel from those who know more,
or have experienced more.

So, trust, that you have much to offer,
and know that you have much to learn,
spend a few moments each week,
listening to the gentle voice of God,
pushing and pulling you,
toward your purposes,
and surround yourself with people who bring out your best, and most curious.
And you will become more wise.

And most of all, my dear friends. know how deeply you are loved.
Wisdom, ultimately, is grounded in the faith,
that you are deeply, wonderfully, and unbelievably loved,
by a God who would do anything for you.
Who is still speaking to you,
through dreams, and friends, and worship, and prayer.

You are precious,
and unique,
and valuable, already.
Not because of anything you have done, or will do.
But because love is who God is.

And I thank God for you.
and for bringing you here.
and for bringing us together. this ragtag bunch of misfits,
wondering all the while if we belong here.

You needn’t make a thousand burnt offerings – thank God.
You need only walk your path,
in wonder and faith, in trust and love.
You need only say yes to the love God is already showing you:
in the good times and the hard times alike.
as you walk the path toward humility and wisdom.

for what should we ask?
simply that.
the strength to stay on the path.
the trust that we are loved,
and have something to offer.
the ability to ask the big questions,
and become more humble and more wise.
and a community to walk with us. This is a good start!

and let the people say together: Amen.

Continue reading “For what should I ask?”

How can this be?

Luke 1:26-38

I sat down to write,
over the past couple of weeks.
In short, disconnected snippets.
I try not to talk about busyness,
because it’s basic, and boring,
and it’s a cultural disease.
But I was stretched the last last few days and weeks,
so my writing process wasn’t as cohesive as I like.
And I sat down on Monday,
and realized I had outlined,
drawing from this most famous of advent texts –
the annunciation to Mary –
point by point,
paragraph by paragraph,
exactly the same sermon,
I offered at Easter here,
some 7 months ago:

Again the angel comes,
saying “Don’t be afraid.”
Because that’s what angels always say.
again we have a model of discipleship,
in a female protagonist named Mary,
because – let’s be honest –
the women were the best disciples,

Continue reading “How can this be?”

What is Church?

Matthew 18:15-20

The story goes.
That a year ago, or so.
On a Sunday not unlike this one,
late in the semester,
A congregation – A church –
gathered at this very time and in this very space,
that was made up entirely,
of the Jansson family,
a small choir,
our student managers,
and a guest preacher.

The details are not all that important,
but suffice it to say that this congregation,
this church,
had hit a rough patch,
and not for the first time.
Pushing the boundaries of Jesus’ assurance,
regarding 2 or 3 being gathered.

I came to interview around that time,
and it wasn’t clear to me then,
that this church was a sustainable enterprise.

Most universities in on the East Coast and Midwest,
were founded by churches,
and most of them held Sunday services,
through most of their history,
but most have similarly abandoned the practice.

I’m glad we did not,

Continue reading “What is Church?”

What is Truth

John 18: 33-38

I thought it’d be fun to start today
with a little bible quiz, whaddaya think?
Pencils out, books away.
Just shout the answer when you know it
From which book of the bible do the following passages come:

1.    And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.
2.    I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me. 
3.    And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.
(John 1, 14, 8 are the answers)
It’s fair to say, I think,
that John’s gospel is obsessed with the concept of truth.
It comes up dozens of times from beginning to end,
far more than any other text,
and all the other gospels combined.
John is, in essence, our first theologian.
He is not so much attempting to tell an accurate story,
as he is trying to paint us a picture,
of what it might mean,
that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
That eternity entered time and space.
That Wisdom became enfleshed and entombed.
That God could become human.
And the places he lands,
the pictures he paints, above all:
are grace and truth.
But when the question is asked directly,
by Pilate to Jesus:
What is truth?
There is only silence.

Continue reading “What is Truth”

My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

PSALM 22, Sunday 10/27/19

Have you ever been to an HR training?
Or a leadership development session?
They tell you.
if you are seeking to give someone “Constructive Feedback”
which is HR speak for critique,
they say you’re supposed to make a “compliment sandwich.”
Like, “Eric, three things:
1. great work on the year-end report last week.
2.  Your verbal abuse of your deskmates is proving a distraction.
3.  I’m loving the office birthday parties you plan.

There are many ways to interpret Psalm 22.
Which seemingly takes a dramatic turn
around verse 25:
Individual and then communal
past and then  present.
present and then future.

But I like to think of it as a compliment sandwich for God:

Read morE


Psalm 46

I have long wanted to take up today’s question,
which comes in many forms,
but I believe I heard posed first thusly by our very own,
Professor Peter Jansson.
“when were you last still?”

Stillness feels to me an urgent concern,
in a world in which we’re constantly connected,
constantly comparing ourselves to another.
in a community in which there’s literally always something we ought to be doing:
an assignment, an email, a paper, a proposal.
in a world that values us for our output and production,
in the midst of a newscycle,
in which there’s always somethings that commands our attention,
our anger, our grief, and action.
Stillness is a bold and countercultural thing.
And hard to achieve. 

And my answer to this question,
when was I last still?,
tends to be when I am set apart.

Continue reading “Still?”

What Should I Do Then?

A Sermon for our Gospel Choir Sunday,
Rooke Chapel Congregation, 10/6/19

1 Corinthians 14: 1-15

Our semester’s theme,
as many of you know by now,
is big questions.
And it’s likely, upon reading our text today from
1 Corinthians,
that you had a few questions of your own,
including, perhaps,
“What is Paul prattling on about?”
And, perhaps also,
“Why would Kurt choose this text?”
And finally, I imagine,
“Can’t we get back to the music?”

To the last of these questions I say, “Yes, very shortly.”
But I do wish to address the first two ever-so-briefly first,
if you’ll allow me.

The Corinthian Church –
which Paul loved, and also probably hated,
had a problem.
Actually, they had a lot of problems.

Continue reading “What Should I Do Then?”

What is Family?

Luke 15: 1- 32, Sunday 9/29/19, Rooke Chapel Congregation

Family is a big word.
A sticky word.
For many of us, a given.
A rock.
Perhaps for you,
the word brings up memories of loud dinners around shared tables,
or quiet moments, vacations, sporting events,
love and connection and joy.
Perhaps for you,
the concept is more fraught,
strained and complicated and hard.
Perhaps painful,
or full of longing,
or regret.

For the students among us,
there are, I’m sure, manifold changes in your relationships
to parents and siblings.
New experiences of mature connection,
new possibilities,
new difficulties,

and, of course, for many during the college years,
we experience grief first-hand for the first time,
when we lose a close friend, professor, grandparent, or parent.
This, too, is family.

And it turns out,
our scripture’s story about family,
is more nuanced than we might care to think.

Continue reading “What is Family?”

If God is for us, who is against us?

Romans 8: 26-39
9/8/19, Rooke Chapel, Bucknell University

At first blush,
the answer to today’s question might seem obvious:
If god is for us, who is against us?
No one.
or nothing of consequence anyway.
If the source and summit of the universe,
the fount of love and understanding is for us –
and I believe deeply that God is for us –
What could possibly be against us?
Of course there are those who see resistance
as evidence that we are being truly faithful in a fallen world.
but more prevalent, in my experience is a certain kind of belief that says
everything will be alright in the end.
We’re just passin’ through this life anyway.
God is for us,
and nothing else matters.
suffering exists,
and evil is real,
and bad things happen to good people.
These seem self-evidently true.
Not so many years ago,
I might have needed to defend those statements in certain audiences,
but I rarely do these days.
And the more we try to deny suffering and sin and evil, I think,
the worse it gets for us.
Another week, we’ll take up the problem of evil,
the question, “why do we suffer?”
for which I most assuredly do not have an easy answer.
But for me,
the question, “If god is for us?”
leads in a straight line to the question,
What gives us hope?

Continue reading “If God is for us, who is against us?”

What are we here for?

Rooke Chapel, Bucknell University
Sunday, September 1, 2019

1 Peter 4: 8-11

We gather each week to sing, pray, and build a community,
which attempts to respond to the immense gifts we’ve been given.
We gather each month,
to share bread and wine,
and remember the great feast to which we’ve all been invited.
And we gather this week,
having lost a great light in our community.
Carmen Gillespie – professor of English and founding director of the Griot institute,
was a scholar, teacher, poet, and visionary of the highest order.

And she will be missed desperately.
We hold Carmen’s daughters in the light,
and honor the grief that passes throughout our community when such a great tree falls,
we gather knowing that life is fragile,
and hoping that love is not.
And knowing it can turn to grief when mixed with loss.
And in the meantime, let’s to our work, of loving one another the best we can.
 As we mentioned last week,
we’re going to try a theme, this semester.
Big questions.
Because, I argue,
it is in sitting with the big questions of our scripture,
our faith, and our lives,
that we (or at least I)
experience God most fully.
Our scriptures are rich with narrative and poetry and questions,
and offer precious few simple, easy answers –
which is both wonderful and frustrating.
But this semester,
we will repose together in the questions.
And as always, I want to hear about your questions:
Both big and small.
Our question today:
“what are we here for?
is the question of purpose,
of calling.
Of vocation.
An old, and unfashionable, and lovely word,
which is drawn from the Latin vocare, voce,
meaning call and voice.
Which always made me wonder,
If God wouldn’t tell me,
over the divine loudspeaker,
what I was meant to be doing.

Continue reading “What are we here for?”