We’re finished with our 3rd day of our Food, Faith, & Justice spring break trip – the culminating experience of our course. More posts to come from student participants. But from me (Kurt) tonight:
We finished our second hard day of labor – working on community gardens, and got to meet with one of my favorite people – the Rev. Dr. Heber Brown III today – founder of the Black Church Food security network.
Lots more to say later – but as we arrived home – sweaty and tired – we learned that the end of the spring semester at Bucknell will be radically altered, as an effort to keep everyone safe from Covid-19 outbreak.
Emotions ranged widely, but everyone was worried about next steps, storage solutions, ends of classes, etc. We pondered and wondered and consoled. But then we stopped for our nightly student-led reflection. And for a few moments, we considered those who don’t know where their next meal is coming from and considered those responding so meaningfully to the challenges here.
And in the midst of it all, we had a moment of profound learning and community. Asked to reflect on the day, off the cuff, in haiku form two of our group responded:
Critique what is
Create what should be
Lead from what you have
(Lessons from Pastor Brown) and:
Be proud of who you are
persistence is key
Marathon, not a sprint.
I don’t usually stop mid-reflection to take notes, but I had to.
Mostly, what I feel this evening is gratitude l to travel and learn with such amazing students. Gratitude for our amazing community partners. And deep grief that I won’t see our students as we return to campus.
Sending much love this evening to the Bucknell community from Baltimore – especially the members of the class of 2020. Stay tuned.
At Pleasant Hope Baptist Church with Sha’Von and Pastor Brown