Lost and Found

Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32
Sunday, September 28, 2020
Family Appreciation Weekend, Week 7, and the 30th Sunday of COVID Time

I’m not sure two years makes a tradition,
but  I’ve been preaching on the story of the Prodigal Son,
on family weekend
for many a year now,
across a couple of institutions.
so, let’s go ahead and call it one, I think.
And you can read into this as much as you like.
though I surely hope you parents don’t think of the Bucknell experience,
as  “squandering a fortune on dissolute living”
As I’ve mentioned before:
I hold these students here (at chapel) in high esteem,
in no small part,
due to their making much healthier,
and sensible life and social choices,
than I did during my own college years.
in this strange moment of digital connection –
if you’re on Zoom,
and feeling like it,
you can even ask my own parents about
my prodigal days.
Or you can check in with my very own younger brother,
and ask him how well our lives and relationships map,
onto these two brothers,
about neither of whom there’s much good to say.
I’m imagining that this story is familiar to you.
It may be the best story.

Continue reading “Lost and Found”

On our way, rejoicing.

“The Royal Procession of the Ethiopian Eunuch” by Julian Van Dyke
“The Royal Procession of the Ethiopian Eunuch” by Julian Van Dyke

Rooke Chapel, Bucknell University,
Sunday 9/6/2020

 Acts 8: 26-38
If you have a certain kind of bible,
it’s likely that there are headings,
listed above certain stories.

These headings (and the numbers and chapters for that matter)
are a much later addition to our text.
They are commentary.

And some of it is quite influential.
You may know the phrase,
“God forth and make disciples of all nations”
as the “Great Commission”
when in fact the phrase “great commission”
is nowhere to be found,
in scripture itself.
Only in commentary.
And it is a great commission,
but so too is “love others as I have loved you.”
and “whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.”

Continue reading “On our way, rejoicing.”