If I had to describe the sofa in the hall that’s how I’d do it. So velvety and soft; It’s like hugging a giant, prone panda. I digress. Aside from the sofa today had some extremely memorable events. The group headed to the Baltimore Food Policy and Planning (B.F.P.P) Office where we concluded weeks of study and buildup to understanding the reality of food security and interventions in Baltimore. They shared with us how they partnered with over 19 other agencies to implement policies that promoted food security for all people.

Among their accomplishments were changing the name of food deprived areas from food deserts to Healthy Food Priority Areas (HFPA), created farmers markets and making land accessible to the people of Baltimore (which counteracts the root cause of the food divide).
By buying food from local farms (farm alliance) they ensured that all the invested money was re-funneled into the same Baltimore landscape which insured local sustainability. The work they do is truly amazing.
The highlight of the day was making food boxes for distribution at the foodbank. Whiles the act brought me hope seeing all the food that went to waste greatly saddened me. It was not the prospect of throwing away the food but rather the fact that some of the items were immediately consumable but would expire before they got to the target homes. If I had to guess we threw out a little less than 5 percent of everything including almost all of the milk. ☹

The final round of activities took place at the homey Terra Cafe where a charismatic Chef T treated us to Baltimore’s famous soul food and gave us an inspiring talk about life. Tonight’s reflection activity had me feeling melancholic. Saying goodbye to people whose faults and virtues I grew used to over the week hurt more than it should have. I really have come to love these people.
As I am concluding this blog it has become apparent that I might have to fight for the sofa this evening. I leave you with the air of imminent battle and an anti-cathartic sensation of the prospect of a less comfortable night.